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Showing posts with label vt. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Create, Make, Learn at Generator Space in Burlington, VT July 2014

A short two weeks after my Anderson Ranch experience, I was at Champlain College in Burlington, VT for the Create, Make & Learn Summer Institute.  The STEM/STEAM focus of this workshop let participants choose from three strands - or personalize their learning and pick the relevant parts of all the strands.  I explored 3D fabrication with the addition of the laser cutter, and added electronic circuits with Arduino, Little Bits, Makey Makey, and sewable circuits. We took advantage of the resources in the area, including the Generator Space, visited the Champlain College facilities that support their MFA and MS programs in Emergent Media, the gallery exhibits of interactive 3D and multimedia artwork, and Blu-Bin, a commercial storefront where you can take your 3D file and have it printed for you. Working side by side with K-12 educators in the science, math, art, library and technology disciplines, allowed us to cross-pollinate our ideas while we learned together. 

3D modeling software, processes and output devices are all aspects of a contemporary production model, both for fine art and the commercial world.  Rapid prototyping is a given, and the ability to create the digital model to spec, test with feedback, and then revise is an integral part of any sculpture, jewelry, metal or glass casting or other fine art process, in addition to the engineering / industrial design aspects of these tools.   The electronic circuitry of Arduino, etc., allow artists to create work that is responsive to its environment, to the viewer, or to any outside stimulus. As wearable electronics become more a part of day to day life, so will they be able to control microcircuits which record data, respond with visual, audio or tactile means, or otherwise bridge the gap between a person, their environment, data and other objects or people.  The potential for all of these tools to be more fully integrated into the Creativity, Innovation and Design strands at ASIJ, K-12, is right in front of us, particularly with the new design spaces, RED Room experiences and other electives at the middle level, and the integration into existing and to-be-designed courses at the high school level.  I’m excited to align future opportunities for ASIJ high school art students with the current groundwork being laid in grades 6, 7 and 8.  I also plan to revise the current sculpture curriculum to include digital 3D modeling and output, and to work with David Neale and others in the fine arts department to align our current and future  2-d and 3-d graphics courses in ways that support student creative endeavors as they move into post-secondary work in these digital environments, while maintaining the connection with how they translate to physical objects. It's a very exciting time to be working in the Arts with technology! 

Create, Make, Learn Summer Institute 2014

Strand 1: Join the Maker Movement with STEAM Powered Learning 
Looking for a way join the maker movement and start building your 'maker' skills? Spend the week 'making' while you re-imagine your learning space to include more affordable, accessible, powerful technologies that add  STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art and Math) to K-12 classrooms, libraries,  learning labs, and community spaces in ways that meet both Literacy and Next Generation Science Standards.  In this strand, you will...

  • Make Games
  • Make Prototypes and Print Them in 3D
  • Make dazzling eTextile projects
  • Make with Code (Arduino)
  • Make a Musical Synthesizer 
  • Make Cool Inventions with Programmable Circuits (Lights, Sensors, Buzzers, & More
  • Make Minecraft part of your learning space  
  • Make Old Toys into New Inventions

Strand 2: Maker Empowerment
Want to move from an emerging maker to a MAKER?  This session will help you dig deeper into the maker-ed world and empower you with more maker skills.  Each day will feature sessions on a new topic that will allow you to journey beyond the basic.  Choose a new topic each day OR focus on your own personalized maker goals while accessing maker resources (people, ideas, and tools) all week long. Session availability will depend upon enrollment preferences.  Topics may include...

  • Intermediate Laser Cutting- including lllustrator
  • Intermediate 3D Printing including 3D Modeling and 3D doodling 
  • Circuits, Coding, & eTextiles
  • Microprocessors, Robotics,  & Internet of Things
  • CNC/ Welding/ and other Design Technologies
  • Building a Drone
  • Personal or Collaborative Design Challenge
  • Personal Maker Project
  • Building a 3D Printer 
  • Making with Minecraft (Advanced Modeling, 3D Printing, Coding)  

Strand 3: Create and Make with iPads, iPods, and iPhones
This strand will kick off with the renowned expertise of RETN for "Making High Quality Movies."  The week will be filled with opportunities to CREATE and MAKE with your iPads in ways that meet Common Core standards.  Come and...Make high quality movies

Strand 4: Creating with Chrome
Got Chrome?  Learn to use Chrome Apps that bring out your creative genius.  Combine cameras, smartphones, Chromebooks, PC's and laptops to create magnificent movies, dazzling digital media, engaging ebooks,  amazing audio and more, with topics like... 

  • Creating with Google Apps
  • Dazzling Drawing
  • Making Movies with WeVideo
  • Creating with Chrome Apps
  • Making eBooks
  • Teaching Like an Artist with Chrome
  • Making Models
  • Making Games
  • Making with Code
  • Intro to Minecraft